
How to Hire Mobile App Developers and Build an All-Stars Team for 2025

App Development Superheroes

As a software development company, MindK often has to hire mobile app developers for US clients. We start by asking several questions. Are you looking for a single developer or an entire team? Do you also need to hire an app designer, product manager, QA engineer, etc.? Do you have a tech expert to conduct How to Hire Mobile App Developers and Build an All-Stars Team for 2025

Engagement models we offer as a web and mobile app development company

engagement models at mindK

As a web and mobile app development company we time and again stress the importance of transparency in software development. Over the years we’ve formed our work standards, including engagement models, to ensure smooth collaboration between us and our clients. All the various models fall into either of the two categories: Fixed Price or Non-fixed Engagement models we offer as a web and mobile app development company

React Native vs Native development: What should your mobile app development team choose?

Cross-platform vs. Native development

Based on insights from our mobile app development team, I’m going to give an overview of both technologies and point out their main benefits and drawbacks from the developers’ point of view. So, let the battle begin! What the fuss is all about For a long time, Native apps (written in platform-specific languages and using React Native vs Native development: What should your mobile app development team choose?

Interview: How a mobile app development company impacts your app success

Juvo app in hands

To bring her idea to life, Emilie partnered with MindK, as we proved our expertise and accountability in previous joint projects.  As a result of our union, a native iOS and Android app named Juvo first saw the light of day in May during the Juvo Release Party in Oslo. We decided to ask Emilie Interview: How a mobile app development company impacts your app success

How to make a bot: a guide to your first Python chat bot for Telegram

Develop your first chat bot in Python

Table of contents: Step 0: Telegram Bot API theory Step 1: Implement the exchange rates requests Step 2: Create a Telegram bot using @BotFather Step 3: Configure and initialize the bot Step 4: Write the /start command handler Step 5: Create the /help command handler Step 6: Add the /exchange command handler Step 7: Write How to make a bot: a guide to your first Python chat bot for Telegram

8 ways to make people love using your chatbot

Chatbot usability article cover

This article will be useful for entrepreneurs interested in creating their own online chat bot. If you saw the true potential of chatbots but don’t quite understand what makes a bot truly successful, you will surely find lots of helpful information below. Chatbots are an excellent way to connect to your clients: they are fast, 8 ways to make people love using your chatbot

The ultimate guide to working with an outsourcing web development company

Tips to make software development outsourcing successful

I totally get this mentality. But outsourcing doesn’t have to be difficult or stressful. If you follow the steps that I’ve outlined in this article, it can save you immense hours and resources that you can reinvest into your business. I have found, in my experience as a client and CEO of the web development The ultimate guide to working with an outsourcing web development company

How to Make a Messaging App Like WhatsApp: 5 Key Steps

5 things to know about creating a chat app like WhatsApp

#1 Discover  how chat apps like WhatsApp achieve their glory It all started in 2009 when Jan Koum and Brian Acton quit their cushy jobs at Yahoo to develop their own chatting application. Nobody could’ve predicted that their messenger would soon become the fastest growing app ever. In February 2020, Whatsapp crossed the mark of How to Make a Messaging App Like WhatsApp: 5 Key Steps

How Much Does It Cost to Build an App in 2025?

numbers money calculating calculation min

So, what are the expenses you might incur in the development process? How much does it cost to maintain an app after the release? And does a higher price always equal better quality? This article will answer these questions to help you figure out how much time, money, and effort it takes to get your How Much Does It Cost to Build an App in 2025?

Creating a Shopping App in 2025: Live Shopping, NFTs, Zero-Party Data, and Supply Chain Optimization

tips on building an eCommerce mobile app like Amazon

As a software development company, MindK is always looking for new technologies to give our clients a competitive edge. After analyzing the e-commerce market, we discovered 6 massive, new opportunities for online retailers. So, here’s how to create a shopping app by leveraging these promising trends. Table of contents: Zero-party data Live stream shopping Supply Creating a Shopping App in 2025: Live Shopping, NFTs, Zero-Party Data, and Supply Chain Optimization

Swift vs. Objective-C Comparison. What To Choose?

Curious about MindK? Click here to learn more Let’s start this Swift vs. Objective-С comparison with a short analysis of facts. Swift programming language from Apple was released in June 2014. Before its release, Objective-C had been widely used to develop apps for OS X & iOS. However, by the end of 2014 over 2400 projects Swift vs. Objective-C Comparison. What To Choose?